National Housing Strategy

Community-Based Tenant Initiative

The Community-Based Tenant Initiative provides contributions to support local organizations whose purpose is to assist people in housing need. The initiative supports tenants having access to information on housing options and better participating in housing decisions that affect them.

The Community Based Tenant Initiative Fund provides targeted grants and contributions to eligible organizations to fund projects that raise awareness of tenant issues, and to support the implementation of new and improved tenant engagement practices. 

By providing contributions to eligible local organizations, the Initiative supports tenants having proper access to information for housing options and ultimately better participation in housing decisions that affect them.  The Initiative will also support tenants achieving readiness to access housing benefits by providing financial literacy and management support.

Activities covered under the Community Based Tenant Initiative should help achieve at least one of the following:

  • Increase access to information.
  • Build capacity around housing decisions and responsibilities.
  • Increase participation in housing-related decisions and projects.

For more information on the Community based tenant initiative, visit our partners managing the program at the Community Housing Transformation Centre.

Date Published: May 2, 2018